Entries tagged with ‘Elections’
Student Senate Press Release 3/1/2010
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1 MARCH 2010 CO-PRESIDENT ELECTIONS- The Student Senate would like to offer congratulations to Emily Thayer and Sean Tessmer for their victory in the elections. In addition to electing new co-presidents, the student body voted “yes” to all of the proposed constitutional amendments. ROCK-A-THON- Student Senate has organized a Rock-A-Thon Committee to […]
Next year’s Student Senate Co-Presidents are…
Students, Thank you for participating in the Senate Elections this spring; the turnout rate was higher than last year! The results are as follows: Emily Thayer and Sean Tessmer – 81% Katie Winkelman and Phil Cleary – 15.3% Write-Ins – 3.7% Thus, Emily Thayer and Sean Tessmer will serve as the Senate’s next Co-Presidents. Additionally, […]
Student Senate Spring Elections Today!
Students, You may now vote for next year’s Co-Presidents, changes to the Student Senate Constitution, and the proposed changed to how the Student Activity Fee is determined by visiting this website: http://orgs.gac.edu/senate/voting You may vote from any computer on campus, including where Student Senate is tabling in the Campus Center (Lower Level.) Thank you for […]
Co-President Candidate Pair Debate TONIGHT!
This is just a reminder that the Co-President candidate pair debate will be happening tonight from 5pm to 6pm in the Courtyard Cafe. Please come, listen to the candidates, and ask them some (tough) questions! Also, we would like to make a clarification on the Student Activities Fee change that you will be voting on […]
Student Senate Press Release 2/22/10
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 22, 2010 FINANCE BY-LAWS- The Student Senate finished with the revisions to its finance by-laws. RESOLUTION- The resolution that junior Gustavus student Phil Cleary presented to Student Senate for consideration last week was voted down. The resolution read “ The student senate will neither pass nor enforce any policy that is […]