Author: nikolaskopek
Electronics Recycling, Elections in Moodle and Canva Pro
Hello all! Just a quick update on what we’ve been working on in committee and the Student Senate at-large. Speaking of, the electronics recycling program is fully implemented at GTS!! Go drop in and help streamline the recycling process, supported by PCs for people! Furthermore, you may have noticed that the most recent election run…
Senate AI Resolution, Site Update, and then some
Hello all! As you may have noticed, the Senate site looks pretty different! GTS is working with Primacy to improve the Gustavus website. They recently reworked the user interface of the blog system, which is why it looks like it currently does. Personally, and in addition to opinions from members of Senate Cabinet, I think…
The Readership Program Page is UP!!!
As mentioned in a previous post, a dedicated page for the readership program information was in the works. And as of today, it’s live!!! Go get yourself informed and entertained by any means necessary! Access it here or by opening the page menu on the left!!! And of course, go vote if you haven’t already…
Student Senate Election Software and the Readership Program
Hello! The Tech Committee’s been hard at work making life for students better. This includes making parts of student life as smooth and easily accessible as possible. Some of you may remember how this year’s Student Senate election was, well, a bit of a mess. While it’s partially on me for being new to the…