Category: Press Releases
Student Senate Press Release 4/19/2010
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April, 19th 2010 BY-LAW CHANGE PROPOSAL- Section 6 subsection 1 bylaw 3 states that all student organizations must post on the GACspot website. The website has only recently been functioning correctly and still has minor problems to work out. As a result, the Senate believed that it was unfair to ask the…
Student Senate Press Release 4/12/2010
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12 April 2010 ADMINISTRATIVE FORUM- The Student Senate successfully held the Administrative Forum, an open question discussion with President Ohle, Provost and Dean of the college David Fienen and Mark Anderson, Dean of Admissions. OMBUDSMAN- The Student Senate elected Erik Byrz-Gornia to fill the position of Ombudsman for the 2010-2011 school year.…
Student Senate Press Release 3/15/10
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15 March 2010 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE As a result of Brandon Hirdlerʼs recent appointment to Finance Committee Chair, Jacob Lundborg was approved to take over the open seat on the Finance Committee. ADMINISTRATIVE FORUM The Administrative Forum, which will enable all students to have a conversation with members of the administration, will…
Student Senate Press Release 3/1/2010
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1 MARCH 2010 CO-PRESIDENT ELECTIONS- The Student Senate would like to offer congratulations to Emily Thayer and Sean Tessmer for their victory in the elections. In addition to electing new co-presidents, the student body voted “yes” to all of the proposed constitutional amendments. ROCK-A-THON- Student Senate has organized a Rock-A-Thon Committee to…
Student Senate Press Release 2/22/10
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 22, 2010 FINANCE BY-LAWS- The Student Senate finished with the revisions to its finance by-laws. RESOLUTION- The resolution that junior Gustavus student Phil Cleary presented to Student Senate for consideration last week was voted down. The resolution read “ The student senate will neither pass nor enforce any policy that is…
Student Senate Press Release 2/15/10
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 15, 2010 DAY AT THE CAPITOL- Dennis Egan from the Minnesota Private College Council came to the Student Senate meeting to discuss details for Day at the Capitol. Senators will be tabling outside of the cafeteria until February 26th. People will be able to sign up for the event and gather…
Student Senate Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 7, 2009 BY-LAWS REVISED- After submitting the by-law revisions to be considered last week, the Student Senate by-laws were revised. Most revisions were grammatical, the largest discussions pertained to proposed changes to the campaign finance by-laws. The updated copy can be found online. FINANCE GUIDELINES SUBMITTED FOR REVISION- As of this…