Month: February 2012

  • Co-Presidential Election Results In!!!

    Winning this year’s election was Tasha Ostendorf and Josh Sande with 434 votes (54.9% of the votes). Nick Nigro and Tom Olsen ran a very close campaign getting 341 votes (43.1% of the votes). The Constitutional Amendment as suggested by the Student Senate also passed, with 84.1% of the vote. With Josh Sande winning the…

  • Co-Presidential Election Today!!!

    Today is the day you can vote for next year’s Co-Presidents as well as a Constitutional Amendment as voted on by this year’s Student Senate. Voting is online (link below) and is open from 9:30am until 10:00pm. Please take the 2 minutes it will take to vote.

  • Co-President Applications Available!

    The applications for the coming Student Senate Co-President elections are now available at the SAO desk. Applications are due Monday, February 13th, at 4pm to the Dean of Students office. There will also be a mandatory meeting for all candidates on the same day at 5pm in the Gustie Den. Co-President elections  will be held…