Student Senate Press Release 2/22/10


February 22, 2010

FINANCE BY-LAWS- The Student Senate finished with the revisions to its finance by-laws.

RESOLUTION- The resolution that junior Gustavus student Phil Cleary presented to Student Senate for consideration last week was voted down. The resolution read
“ The student senate will neither pass nor enforce any policy that is discriminatory     of a student group, on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, gender,     sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, disability, veteran status, status     with regard to public to public assistance, or other categories protected by     federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws.”
The reasoning was that there was already a clause very similar to the resolution in the Gustie Guide, which the Student Senate Constitution says the Senate must follow.

ROCKATHON COMMITTEE- The Senate formed the Rockathon Committee to explore the possibility of having a Student Senate sponsored rockathon. After looking into costs, availability of bands, etc. the committee will make a decision as to whether or not they think that a rockathon would be the most effective way for Student Senate to give something back to the students. Emily Thayer is the chair of the committee.

ADMINISTRATIVE FORUM- The Administrative Forum committee was formed to explore the idea of having a forum with people such as President Ohle and other top administrators to talk about students questions/views about Gustavus. The chair of the committee is Nick Harper.

RESIDENCE HALL OPEN HOUSE- Housing and Health Chair Phil Helt is collaborating with Residential Life to have an open-house in the dorms on campus. Student will volunteer to open their rooms to fellow students on campus so that when making the decision as to where to live next year, the students can be well informed and make a decision that will work the best for them.

CO-PRESIDENT ELECTIONS- There will be a debate between the two candidate pairs running for Student Senate Co-President seat on Wednesday night from 5-6pm in the Courtyard Cafe. Questions will be submitted to the candidates from members of the audience.


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