Month: December 2009
Finance Guidelines proposed changes
The following Finance Guidelines (part of the Student Senate By-laws) are being considered by the Student Senate this next Monday, December 14. Students are welcome to attend. [Insert: Student] Senate will only fund organizations that sponsor at least one event or activity per semester on campus that is open and well advertised to non-members. Advertising…
Student Senate Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 7, 2009 BY-LAWS REVISED- After submitting the by-law revisions to be considered last week, the Student Senate by-laws were revised. Most revisions were grammatical, the largest discussions pertained to proposed changes to the campaign finance by-laws. The updated copy can be found online. FINANCE GUIDELINES SUBMITTED FOR REVISION- As of this…
Interested in Senate?
Looking for another way to make a difference on campus? Feel free to attend Student Senate meetings at 7PM in the Board Room in the Jackson Campus Center! Also, if you’re living in either Norelius Hall or Off-Campus, or you are an international student, there are empty spots on Senate that you could fill! If…